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Liberia’s premier regulator of public procurement and concessions awards processes has embarked on the upgrade of its information arsenal, aimed at conforming its work to the current realities and the growing changes in the public procurement sector. One of such upgrades is restructuring of the human resource and administrative manual, and redefining of the strategic plan to guide the implementation of the strategic objectives of Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC), for the next five years. Both documents are very strategic to the upward movement of PPCC.

Recently, the chief executive officer of PPCC, Attorney Jargbe Roseline Nagbe Kowo, constituted a committee to review and update the administrative manual to respond to the current human resource needs of PPCC. Build-up to this exercise has since commenced and review is ongoing. When concluded, the Administrative Manual will accommodate the latest development in the human resource sector that sets the pace for staff development and forward march of PPCC. The Human Resource Unit is driving the initiative through the joint efforts of other divisions and units of PPCC.

Also, the PPCC has moved to develop a policy tool that guides its operations. The tool, namely, Strategic Plan, will define the roadmap, develop programs, and design a resource mobilization plan for the successful upkeep of the PPCC in the next five years. It is important to state that the document has been developed, reviewed, and subsequently approved by the Board of Commissioners of PPCC. The Division of Policy, Procedures, and Standards led this effort.