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PPCC Conducts Nationwide Survey on Gender Responsive Procurement

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In continuation of its Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) project implementation, the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission has successfully completed the Key Informants Tools Survey (KITS) across the country.

Read more: PPCC Conducts Nationwide Survey on Gender Responsive Procurement

The GRP project was kicked off at the Musu Spot Training Hall on November 8, 2021, with the first phase of a roundtable discussion that brought together stakeholders from some ministries, agencies, and autonomous commissions to discuss and develop gender-sensitive strategies and policies in public procurement and concessions activities in Liberia.

The survey was conducted to bridge the gaps and obtain real-time information from participating stakeholders on how gender can be mainstreamed in public procurement, with women having equal participation in public procurement tenders and business opportunities. Nine counties were visited by a team of PPCC staff. The team interacted with procuring entities, business owners, and the different communities to have first-hand information from the respondents on issues that have affected women’s involvement in procurement and business opportunities. Counties visited during the exercise include Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Lofa, Bong, Maryland, Grand Gedeh, and Sinoe Counties.

The result of the survey will open new opportunities for awareness creation, and job opportunities for women-owned businesses that are operating in the 15 counties of Liberia. The program is funded by United Nations Women and

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