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PPCC moves to Strengthen Capacity of Local Officials in Public Procurement

Photo Credit: PPCC Communication Department

In continuation of its procurement capacity-building interventions, the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC), has commenced a four-day public procurement compliance workshop for county authorities in the city of Ganta, Nimba County. The workshop runs from April 5-8, 2022.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is funding the workshop as part of efforts to increase public awareness of the benefits of a well-functioning public procurement system in Liberia and strengthen the knowledge of public officials to become more conscious, efficient, and effective in the management of public resources. It also seeks to increase compliance with the PPC Act and all subsidiary documents on public procurement and avoid issues of conflict of interest in the governance process at the local government level.


Officials attending the workshop include county superintendents and their deputies, heads of county-based institutions (health and education sectors), chairs of Project Management Committees, and county procurement officers/technicians from Nimba, RiverCess, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Bomi, and Grand Bassa Counties.

The workshop team leader and Director of Communication, Nathan N. Bengu, delivered remarks at the start of the workshop on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer of PPCC, Atty. Jargbe Roseline Nagbe Kowo.

Mr. Bengu challenged the participants to take advantage of the training opportunities to strengthen their procurement knowledge and become more effective and efficient in the conduct of public procurement and utilization of public resources. He cautioned against vices that retard national development and stall the implementation drive of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act of Liberia.

Key topics being delivered at the workshop include the PPCC Mandate, PE’s Roles & Responsibilities in Public Procurement, types of procurement publication and timeframes, procurement irregularities and findings from the 2021 PPCC’s compliance monitoring exercise, procurement bid evaluation; processes and structures, request to the Commission; procedures and documentation, preparation of technical specification; BOQ and ToRs, procurement quarterly & yearly reporting templates- standards and expectations, and migration to electronic procurement & PPCC website upgrade.

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